Lift Werx home page screenshot


  1. Update the current site and implement a contact form and a way to request appointments for installation. Provide an easy way to describe what services Lift Werx offers. Bonus features are a way to highlight past projects, capture deposits, online payment, and shopping.
  2. Update the logo and branding.
image of a form to request an appointment

One of the main objectives for building this site was to incorporate a method that would allow customers to request an appointment date for installing or servicing automotive hydraulic lifts. I was able to incorporate this method utilizing a pre-made plugin. I was able to adjust the settings to meet the requirements of the business owner.

The business owner requested to have a quick way for customers to find the site and contact him by filling out a form. The form facilitates customers who find the site through organic search and have the need to contact his business or make other inquiries.

screenshot of the shop page for the Lift Werx website on the desktop experience

As part of the rebrand and restructuring of the site, I incorporated a WooCommerce shop to allow Lift Werx to list and sell products online. The products that were created would allow Lift Werx to collect payments upfront for services rendered.

account log in screenshot from the Lift Werx website on the desktop experience

One of the requirements for Lift Werx is to have customers track previous orders, payments, and adjust or request new appointments using their accounts.